Brighter Futures Begin with HOPE.

60 Minutes Piece on State Fiscal Crisis Reveals State Revenue Problems, Not Spending Problems

December 22nd, 2010

A report on CBS’s Sunday night news program, 60 Minutes, provided a look at the state fiscal crisis, focusing on a few large states like New Jersey, California, and Illinois. While the piece has brought attention to the challenges ahead for state budgets, it fails to identify solutions that are part of a balanced approach to the fiscal crisis. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities prepared a response to the report that can be seen here.

Mississippi – like other states – is struggling with revenue loss following the recession. However, to cast the current budget challenges as a spending problem fails to accurately portray Mississippi’s experience over the last decade. In Mississippi, state and local spending as a percentage of the economy are at the same level today as it was in 2002.

Click to enlarge

Mississippi State and Local Spending as a Percentage of Gross State Product, 2002-2011


While Mississippi is facing deficits this year due to the end of federal stimulus funding, it is nowhere near the multi-billion dollar deficits of the states featured in the 60 minutes piece. Still, the state faces challenges that demand a balanced approach–one that includes revenue solutions for the state’s revenue problems instead of a cuts-only approach that hurts working families.


State of Mississippi Budget 2002 through 2011 and Mississippi Economic Review and Outlook

Sara Miller

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