Medicaid Expansion for Parents Also Good for Mississippi Children
July 23rd, 2012
Through Medicaid and CHIP (the Children’s Health Insurance Program), children in Mississippi already may be covered up to 200% of the federal poverty level (depending on age and other eligibility factors). In Mississippi, over 450,000 children already count on Medicaid or CHIP for their health care. If Mississippi doesn’t expand Medicaid coverage many of the parents of these children will be caught in the “gap” without health care coverage.
So, while Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act won’t directly expand Medicaid to cover more children, there are a number of ways that it would benefit Mississippi’s children through coverage for their parents. The following is a list of ways the expansion will benefit children from a fact sheet of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.
Covering parents makes it more likely that children receive needed care like preventive care and other health care services. Studies on health care usage have found that children whose parents have insurance coverage are more likely to receive wellness check-ups and other care.
A parent’s health can have far-reaching effects on a child’s health and well-being. If a parent is in poor physical or mental health they may be unable to work. Uninsured parents may accrue overwhelming medical bills that affect their family’s financial stability. This financial instability can greatly affect the family environment and the well-being of the children involved.
Providing coverage to parents means that more eligible children will enroll and stay enrolled. Studies have shown that children from low income families with uninsured parents are three times as likely to be uninsured children as children with parents with health insurance coverage (either through Medicaid or private insurance). Also, studies have found that children with covered parents are less likely to experience breaks in Medicaid and CHIP coverage.
In previous posts, we have discussed how Medicaid expansion stands to be an important economic opportunity for our state the state of Mississippi. Beyond dollars and cents, it would also strengthen Mississippi’s families by improving the health of its parents and creating a healthier environment for our state’s children.