Brighter Futures Begin with HOPE.


Budget & Tax Blog

Large Corporate Tax Cuts Not the Answer for Mississippi’s Working Families

February 11th, 2015

Large Corporate Tax Cuts Not the Answer for Mississippi’s Working […]


Financial Inclusion Feature

Mississippi Continues to Struggle with Job Growth and Quality

February 6th, 2015

New data underscores that it is becoming increasingly more difficult […]

Blog, Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion Feature

Much work to be done to help lift Mississippi families out of poverty

January 30th, 2015

Many families across the state lack the resources necessary to […]

Blog, Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion Feature

Signs of Economic Progress Don’t Account for Mississippi’s Financially Vulnerable

January 29th, 2015

Despite an improving national economy, far too many Mississippi residents […]

Blog, Financial Inclusion

Policy Matters Feature

Policy Does Matter

January 23rd, 2015

Recently, the MEPC team had an opportunity to discuss “why” […]


Budget & Tax Blog

Mississippi’s Lower Income Families Pay More in State and Local Taxes

January 14th, 2015

Mississippi families who are struggling to make ends meet are […]


Budget & Tax Blog

Legislative session convenes: How you can stay informed on the state budget this year

January 9th, 2015

As legislators convene, they will begin to tackle education funding, […]


Budget & Tax Blog

MEPC 2016 Budget Toolkit

January 9th, 2015

The 2015 Legislature will create the 2016 budget over the […]


Health & Heath Care Feature

Schools in Mississippi Adopt Universal Meal Program

January 2nd, 2015

There are a significant number of children in our state […]

Blog, Health & Health Care

Education and Workforce Development Feature

High Education… Higher Cost

December 23rd, 2014

Mississippi’s universities will once again raise their tuition rates. The […]

Blog, Education & Workforce Development

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