Brighter Futures Begin with HOPE.

Recommended Budget for FY 2014 Near Seven-Year Low

January 24th, 2013

The budget level recommended by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee to support vital state services in FY 2014 is only .5% higher than the lowest level from 2008-2014.  It reflects a $30 million decrease over the current year’s appropriated budget.  The chart below shows the state support appropriations over the last seven budget years (the period that includes the most recent recession).

Mississippi State Support Appropriations FY 2008-FY 2014


State support appropriations include general funds as well as some state special funds that may be used like general funds across multiple agencies.

The $30 million in cuts called for in the recommended budget would occur on top of the already reduced budget that is the product of multiple years of budget cuts.  These cuts have meant reductions in teachers, increased class sizes, increased college tuition, a decrease in mental health services, and many other consequences.

The reductions are even more troubling considering the increase in the need for services during the recession and beyond with so many families still struggling with unemployment.  The cuts are also magnified by the increase in costs for services.  Even a level budget can mean cuts in services due to increased costs.

A balanced approach to the state’s continuing budget crisis that includes raising revenue, especially from those who have the most ability to pay, is necessary to maintain our vital public services, and move the state forward.
Source: Mississippi Legislative Budget Office, Legislative Appropriation Bulletins FY 2010-FY 2012, FY 2014 ;Joint Legislative Budget Committee Recommendation. 

Sara Miller

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