Brighter Futures Begin with HOPE.


Health & Heath Care Feature

Passage of ACA Alternative Would Result in More Uninsured, Costlier Coverage in the Mid South

May 4th, 2017

According to The State of Health Insurance Coverage in the […]

Blog, Health & Health Care

Health & Heath Care Feature

Medicaid Expansion Offers Positive Financial Benefits for Hospitals and the Economy

April 21st, 2017

Over the past several months, much of the debate on […]

Blog, Health & Health Care

Education and Workforce Development Feature

School Climate Should Support Student Achievement

April 20th, 2017

Reforming discipline practices to support good behavior and address underlying […]

Blog, Education & Workforce Development

Education and Workforce Development Feature

Income-Based Plans take the Bite out of Student Loan Repayment

April 13th, 2017

High default and delinquency rates plus low annual incomes make […]

Blog, Education & Workforce Development

Budget & Tax Blog

Cuts Remain a Challenge for State Budget as Legislative Session Ends

April 11th, 2017

The 2017 legislative session has ended with another year of […]


Education and Workforce Development Feature

Student Loans: Women More Likely to Struggle to Repay

March 29th, 2017

Women student debtors – and especially women of color – […]

Blog, Education & Workforce Development

Health & Heath Care Feature

ACA Repeal Carries Negative Consequences for Mid South Residents

March 23rd, 2017

A new brief released today finds that, in 2015, more […]

Blog, Health & Health Care

Budget & Tax Blog

Everyone Pays Taxes, Including Undocumented Immigrants

March 21st, 2017

According to a new report by the Institute on Taxation […]


Budget & Tax Blog

Budget Update: What You Need to Know About 2018 Mississippi Budget

March 13th, 2017

While still dealing with the current year’s budget crisis, lawmakers […]


Education and Workforce Development Feature

Chronic Absenteeism: A Student Success Indicator under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

March 7th, 2017

Good attendance is a strong predictor of student success that […]

Blog, Education & Workforce Development

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